→ Issues Overview
Droit du transport
- CIT/UIC Passenger Claims Department’s Conference
- The first AJC workshop
- CIV Committee prepares for 2022
Application du droit
CIT interne

Dear readers,
You are reading the inaugural issue of CIT News. Yes, we have moved with the times!
CIT News will be an all-digital, user-friendlier newsletter, catering in particular to the increasing number who read articles on their smartphones. Since CIT News is produced in-house, we have been able to streamline processes and reduce costs. Our readers will be able to keep abreast of developments even faster in future, since we plan to increase the number of issues we release annually as needed. As with all modernisations, this has meant relinquishing some old habits, in this instance no longer publishing the newsletter in three languages (English, French and German) and instead moving to English-only. This is for cost reasons, helping us support our members financially through the pandemic.
I hope all our readers remain in good health meanwhile and that you enjoy reading CIT News!
Cesare Brand
CIT Secretary-General
Droit du transport

CIT/UIC Passenger Claims Department’s Conference
Claim handling from the legal point of view and digitalization in the railway sector affecting handling processes were some of the highlights of this year’s CIT/UIC Conference of Passenger Claims Departments, which was hold on 22 September 2021 as online meeting.

The first AJC workshop

CIV Committee prepares for 2022
During a shorter-than-usual session, the CIV Committee adopted the bulk of the proposals submitted