The 25th CIV Committee in Prague was hosted by CD

During the meeting, participants received the latest information concerning EU-level initiatives such as the European Commission’s Multimodal Digital Mobility Services Initiative.
Having focused last year on transposing the new Passenger Rights Regulation ((EU) 2021/782) into the CIT products, CIT’s focus this year has been on deciding about improvements to the Agreement on Journey Continuation (AJC).
Among others, a new information leaflet was discussed which is set to be developed jointly with the European Passenger Federation (EPF) in November.
Furthermore, a uniform delay confirmation was adopted which will lay the foundation for further digitalization of the AJC processes. This step into a digital environment will be elaborated by UIC using eTCD.
With the support of CER, CIT has also successfully attracted new carriers to join the AJC in the future, such as HZPP, which will apply the AJC from November 1, 2023. Recently, PKP IC, LTG LINK, Eurostar and GYSEV have declared their intention to join the AJC in due course.
The CIV Committee also approved new ticketing developments which will be implemented in the MIRT.
The new passenger traffic products will enter into force this year on 10 December.
Last but not least, the CIV Committee nominated Isabelle Saintilan and Alberto Gallo for a further 3-year mandate as Chair and Vice-Chair of the CIV Committee respectively, to be approved by the CIT General Assembly in November this year. All members of the CIV Committee look forward to another 3 years of fruitful collaboration with the two Chairs.
CIT would like to thank CD for their commitment and for organising the meeting of the CIV Committee in Prague.
The next CIV Committee will take place in Utrecht on 24 September 2024.