News from the CIT “Seals” Working Group

At the invitation of Rail Cargo Hungaria, the CIT “Seals” Working Group Chairman, Jürgen Scholz (DB Cargo AG), welcomed participating experts Heribert Rabel (RCA), Claudia Voltz (FRET SNCF), Balazs Makuch (RCH), and Eszter Jenei (RCH), as well as Philip van den Bosch (UIC), to the Hungarian capital Budapest on 19 April 2023. In addition, Claudia Voltz (Fret SNCF) and Guillaume Murawa, as the new representative of the CIT, participated in the meeting of the group of experts in online mode.
The meeting marked the official farewell to Mr Balazs Makuch (RCH), who had been a member of the group of experts since 2016. Mr Scholz read out a letter of thanks from CIT expressly acknowledging Mr Makuch’s work over the years.
The other matters handled during the meeting included a final vote and decision on IRS 40426 “Guidelines for sealing wagons and intermodal transport units”. The necessary documents for the publication of IRS 40426, planned for late July 2023, were handed over to UIC.
Amendments to the “Checklist for sealing wagons” (GTM-CIT Appendix 1) were also agreed so that the document could be swiftly updated by the relevant CIT bodies.
In response to an enquiry from the German customs authorities concerning the participation in future of members of the Expert Group in a joint working group on electronic seals, members decided to take part in the working group in future.
An online event under the aegis of CIT is planned for 2024, to bear the strapline “Seals when – where – why = Seals W³”. The event will serve to provide interested staff from European railway undertakings with more information about UIC and CIT products such as IRS 40426, the checklist for sealing wagons, etc. Members of the Group of Experts on Seals remain available to respond to any questions or queries concerning seals in general.
Attendees of the “Seals” Expert Group in Budapest (19 April 2023)
From left to right: Heribert Rabel (RCA), Eszter Jenei (RCH), Chairman Jürgen Scholz (DB), Balazs Makuch (RCH), Philip van den Bosch (UIC), (not on the photo: Claudia Voltz, Fret SNCF, Guillaume Murawa, CIT)
main picture: vsz.hu