PRR entered into force

The revision process for Regulation (EC) 1371/2007 on rail passengers' rights and obligations (PRR) has concluded. The new Regulation (EU) 2021/782 entered into force on 7 June 2021, and will be applicable from 7 June 2023 (except Article 6 paragraph 4, on spaces for bicycles, which will be applicable as of 7 June 2025).
Content of the PRR
The revision will strengthen the rights of all rail passengers, especially those with disabilities or restricted mobility. It will also make it easier in future to transport bicycles onboard trains. Additionally, passengers will benefit from more stringent rules governing journey continuation by alternative routes. The revised PRR calls on railway undertakings to expand the range of “through” tickets on offer. A through ticket is a single ticket valid for successive legs of a journey which permits the traveller to continue their journey by an alternative route, and receive compensation, in the event of delays or missed connections.
The revised PRR’s scope of application will encompass a larger number of passenger rail services in future, since a host of the exemptions permitted under the previous PRR expire with the entry into force of the revision.
One positive aspect is the introduction of a force majeure clause with respect to compensation for delayed rail services.
CIT actions
This change in the legal situation necessitates amendments to the CIT passenger rail products, which will need to be implemented by CIT members by the time the PRR becomes applicable (7 June 2023).
During 2021 and 2022, CIT has worked intensively within a Task Force and in the Working Group to incorporate the changes made necessary by the revised PRR into the CIT products.
With the exception of the Data Protection manual, the amendments concern all the CIT passenger rail products, in particular the Agreement concerning the Relationships between Transport Undertakings in respect of International Passenger Traffic by Rail (AIV), the General Conditions of Carriage for Rail Passengers (GCC-CIV/PRR), and the Manual on International Rail Tickets (MIRT).
CIT has also begun discussing the interpretation of the new rules with PRR experts since 2021. These discussions are intended to support railways in implementing the new rules and are collected in an overview.
In addition, the CIT with the support of CER has drafted a harmonised claim form which passengers may use to submit compensation or reimbursement requests.
This harmonised form was also presented to the European Commission, which is currently drafting an implementing regulation that will focus on such a standard form for reimbursement or compensation requests.
Useful links:
Regulation 2021/782 (“PRR 2021”): EUR-Lex - 32021R0782 - EN - EUR-Lex (europa.eu)
CIT Future Products: https://www.cit-rail.org/en/passenger-traffic/products/
Standard form for reimbursement and compensation requests: https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say/initiatives/13686-Rail-passenger-rights-standard-form-for-reimbursement-and-compensation-requests_en