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Legal expertise
for the benefit of the railways

Table of Contents

CIV Working Group focuses on developments in EU legislation

On 15 and 16 May, the 61st session of the CIV Working Group was held by CIT. The meeting took place in-person in Bern and online. The highlights of the meeting, chaired by Oliver Hirschfeld (DB), were discussions on developments in EU legislation such as the Implementing Regulation establishing a common EU form for reimbursement and compensation requests and the proposed Regulation on passenger rights in the context of multimodal journeys.

Implementing regulation establishing a common EU form for reimbursement and compensation requests

One of the most important issues discussed during the meeting was Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/949 establishing a common form for rail passengers’ reimbursement and compensation requests for delays, missed connections and cancellations of rail services. This regulation was already published in the EU Official Journal in all official EU languages and is applicable from 2 July 2024. Participants in the meeting were given a detailed overview of the regulation and the common EU claim form itself. The critical points of the common EU form were also discussed. In order to support CIT members in this respect, the CIT General Secretariat presented the relevant amendments to the AIV (CIT’s agreement on “after-sales”) and the CIT Guidelines on the EU Claim Form (see separate article on this topic). CIT’s aim is also to collect and share best practice regarding the common EU claim form.

New proposal of the European Commission on multimodal passenger rights

The CIT General Secretariat intensively focuses on the European Commission`s proposal for a Regulation on passenger rights in the context of multimodal journeys (COM [2023] 752) final), known as the “MM PRR”. During the meeting it was explained that the proposal should extend the existing EU Passenger Rights regulations, i.e. those for air (Regulations No 261/2004 and No 1107/2006), rail (Regulation No 2021/782), sea (Regulation No 1177/2010) and bus/coach (Regulation No 181/2011) to cover the rights of passengers switching between modes of transport. It was explained that CER had prepared amendments to the draft European Commission proposal in a position paper and that they had been drafted with the strong support of CIT. It was also mentioned that the Council of the European Union is now also working on the text of the European Commission, drafting some proposals in this respect.

Other legislative activities at EU level were also raised during the meeting, such as the Multimodal Travel Information Services (MMTIS), the Package Travel Directive, European Disability Card Directive, “Capacity regulation” etc.  


Important developments in the field of the Telematics TSI


In addition, participants in the CIV Working Group were given an overview of the status of the TSI revision; the key points of the text proposal before the 102nd RISC Committee were presented. It was also emphasized that the European Commission had postponed the vote for the TSI.


Extension of the chairmanship of the CIV WG


The term of office of the CIV Working Group Chair, Oliver Hirschfeld (DB), will formally end at the end of 2024. CIV WG members expressed their strong support to renew the term of Oliver Hirschfeld for another period until end of 2027. The extension of the Chairmanship of Oliver Hirschfeld for an additional term will therefore be forwarded to the CIV Committee for approval in September this year. Oliver Hirschfeld thanked the CIV Working Group for its trust in his work.

The meeting concluded with an invitation to attend the upcoming 63rd CIV WG meeting which will be held on 20 November 2024.



The CIV WG members expressed the strong support to extend the term of Oliver Hirschfeld (DB) as a chairman of this group for another period until end of 2027.