Megatrend Digitalisation for the CIT

Implementation of the eFTI and DTLF
The major factor with a bearing on work on the megatrend of freight digitalisation were the ongoing digitalisation at EU level with the entry into force of the EU eFTI Regulation on electronic freight transport information, and the implementation of the EU Digital Transport and Logistics Forum (DTLF) project. The CIT working very actively and closely with the CER for the purpose to identify the implications for the CIT Members and to safeguard the use of data governance by the railway undertakings. The Regulation (EU) 2020/1056 (eFTI) was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 31 July 2020, L 249/33 ss., and entered into force on 21st August 2020. The scope of the regulation remains limited to the directives concerning dangerous goods, combined transport, and waste management. The eFTI regulation will be applicable from 21st August 2024. The CIT General Secretariat is also in contact with RailData and the JSG (Joint Sector Group) and is paying particular attention to the compatibility of the content of eFTI data with existing TAF data, because certain eFTI data structures, such as train ID, vehicle number (EVN) and loading unit (ILU) were primarily created for road transport.
New TSI Telematics (TSI TA)
The Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1693 was published on 8 September 2023 in the Official Journal of the European Union and amends Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/773 on the technical specification for interoperability relating to the operation and traffic management subsystem of the rail system within the European Union. This regulation on the information exchange between infrastructure managers and railway undertakings relating to train specifications and train operations newly defined should be further implemented in relevant provisions of TAF TSI and TAP TSI. The CIT was actively involved in the revision of TAF TSI as concerned the interface with the electronic CIM consignment note (ECN), in close collaboration with CER and the Joint Sector Group (JSG).
These implementing regulations establish a new overall regulatory framework on which future technical appendices and all TAF TSI and TAP TSI will be based, in accordance with the directive EU 2016/797 (essential requirements of the telematics subsystem referred to in Appendix II to the Directive). The Regulation 2023/1693 therefore changes the regulatory framework for the TSI Telematics and should lead all technical appendices to updating all functions in the TAF and TAP, now named TSI Telematics (TSI TA). As a reminder, the TAF and TAP TSI set out the functional and technical standards for the efficient exchange of harmonised information between infrastructure managers, railway undertakings and other stakeholders. This is addressed now in Chapter 3 and 4 of the Appendix to the new draft Regulation 2023/1693 on a technical specification for interoperability relating to the telematics subsystem, known as the “Technical Appendix”, which is under discussion and has been frequently commented from the Joint Sector Group upon in the various working and coordination groups mentioned above and should be voted in the RISC 102 in June 2024.
The CIT is further strongly focusing on this important work based primarily on the contractual freedom in the sharing of information about CIM consignment order messages as commercial document for international carriage of goods by rail.