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Legal expertise
for the benefit of the railways

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In memoriam : Eric Bertherin

A pillar of CIT has passed away. 
Eric Bertherin, Secretary General of the CIT from 1979 to 1994, died on 30 March 2024 in his 95th year. 

The family of railway lawyers has lost one of its own. With his great skills and legendary empathy, Eric Bertherin successfully led SBB/CFF/FFS Legal Division, and the CIT as General Secretary. In this capacity, he was able to develop a recognised railway organisation that listened to its members. He also contributed to the development of international rail transport law at OTIF level. Under his supervision, most of the CIT's suggestions in connection with the various revisions of the CIV and CIM Conventions were taken up and adopted at State level. 

His kindness, modesty and discretion were exemplary and inspiring for all those who had the opportunity to  meet him and work alongside him, in addition  to his immense culture.

We offer our most sincere condolences to Marthe, his wife, to his family and friends, and to all those who had the privilege of crossing his path. His legacy will live on in our memories.