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Legal expertise
for the benefit of the railways

Use of wagons

This page contains the statutory texts governing the use of wagons and the CIT products which have been developed to simplify implementation of these statutes at company level.


The CUV Uniform Rules apply when a railway undertaking uses vehicles which do not belong to it and it concludes a contract of use with the keeper of those vehicles. The CUV Uniform Rules are limited to just defining the essential points of the contract and leave a lot to contractual freedom.

Basic contractual documents

The General Contract of Use for wagons (GCU) is a multilateral contract. It defines the rights and obligations of the parties to the contract (wagon keepers and user railway undertakings) in respect of the use of the wagons as means of transport.

GCU Bureau

The GCU Bureau has the task of managing the General Contract of Use for wagons (GCU). The GCU Bureau is in Brussels.


CUV Wagon Note Manual (GLW-CUV)

The CUV Wagon Note Manual published by the CIT applies to the movement of empty wagons covered by a wagon note (in accordance with Article 14 GCU). It contains all the detail on the way the wagon note is used. The purpose of this new manual is essentially to define a standard process for railway undertakings using wagons to handle the CUV wagon note and other documents used for the carriage of empty wagons as means of transport.

CIT Wagon Manual (GTW-CIT)

The CIT Wagon Manual (GTW-CIT) is essentially to define a standard process for railway undertakings using wagons to handle the CUV wagon note and other documents used for the movement of empty wagons. In particular, it covers out-of-the-ordinary circumstances (such as subsequent orders, circumstances preventing haulage, circumstances preventing handover, traffic restrictions, etc.).


July 1, 2015

Uniform Rules concerning Contracts of Use of Vehicles in International Rail Traffic (CUV) - Appendix D to COTIF

Three language text of the CUV Uniform Rules.

Applicable with effect from 1 July 2006 / Edition 1 July 2015

8 pages

Jan. 1, 2019

CIT Wagon Manual (GTW-CIT)

Uniform instructions used for the carriage of empty wagons as means of transport. Companies applying the GTW-CIT

Applicable with effect from 1 January 2017 - Edition of 1 January 2019

96 pages

Appx 1a: Checklist for the contract for electronic interchange of wagon note data (EDI contract checklist)
Appx 1b: Supplementary functional and legal requirements to be satisfied by the electronic wagon note
Appx 2a: Sheet 2a of a CUV wagon note with a supplementary sheet for an intermediate section (specimen)
Appx 2b: Sheet 2a of a CUV wagon note for combined traffic with a supplementary sheet for an intermediate section (specimen)
Appx 3: Control label
Appx 4: Explanatory notes on the use of the charges note
Apps 5-13: Deliberately left blank
Appx 14: Wagon label - Form CIT 14
Appx 15-16: Deliberately left blank
Appx 17: Processing of the wagon note and accompanying documents where the details of the movement are amended or there are circumstances preventing haulage or handover
Appx 18: Accompanying document - Form CIT 18
Appx 19-21: Deliberately left blank
Appx 22: Notification of corrections - Form CIT 22
Appx 23: Wagon list - use in the event of wagons being detached
Appx 24: Deliberately left blank
Appx 25: Notification of traffic restrictions

July 1, 2024

Amendment no 1 CUV Wagon Note Manual (GLW-CUV)

Instructions for the use of the CUV wagon note and other documents in connection with the movement of empty wagons as means of transport.

Applicable with effect from 1 January 2017 / Edition 1 July 2024

Amendment 1 GTW-CIT
Jan. 1, 2019

Amendment Nr 1 to the GTW-CIT


Document containing the pages of the GTW-CIT replaced by the Amendment No 1

12 pages

Jan. 1, 2017

CUV Wagon Note Manual (GLW-CUV)

Instructions for the use of the CUV wagon note and other documents in connection with the movement of empty wagons as means of transport.

Applicable with effect from 1 January 2017 / Edition 1 January 2017

53 pages

Appendix 1: Functional and legal requirements to be satisfied by the electronic consignment note
Appendix 2: Explanatory notes on the content of the wagon note
Appendix 3: List of charges
Appendix 4: Rules and recommendations for the CUV wagon note
Appendix 4a: Specimen CUV consignment note
Appendix 4b: Specimen CUV wagon note for combined transport
Appendix 5: Explanatory notes on the content of the wagon list
Appendix 6: Charges note
Appendix 7: Subsequent orders - Form CIT 7
Appendix 8: Notification of circumstances preventing haulage - consignor’s instructions - Form CIT 8
Appendix 9: Notification of circumstances handover - consignor’s instructions - Form CIT 9
Appendix 10: Currency names and codes

Jan. 1, 2016

CUV Wagon Note Manual (GLW-CUV)

Instructions for the use of the CUV wagon note and other documents in connection with the movement of empty wagons as means of transport.

Applicable with effect from 1 July 2006 / Edition 1 January 2016

78 pages

Appendix 1: Explanatory notes on the content of the wagon note
Appendix 2: List of charges
Appendix 3a: CUV wagon note (specimen)
Appendix 3b: CUV wagon note for combined transport (specimen)
Appendix 4: Charges note
Appendix 5: Explanatory notes on the content of the wagon list
Appendix 6: Deliberately left blank
Appendix 7: Subsequent orders - Form CIT 7
Appendix 8: Notification of circumstances preventing haulage - consignor’s instructions - Form CIT 8
Appendix 9: Notification of circumstances handover - consignor’s instructions - Form CIT 9

Jan. 1, 2017

CIT Wagon Manual (GTW-CIT)

Uniform instructions used for the carriage of empty wagons as means of transport.

Applicable with effect from 1 January 2017 / Edition 1 January 2017

94 pages

Appx 1a: Checklist for the contract for electronic interchange of wagon note data (EDI contract checklist)
Appx 1b: Supplementary functional and legal requirements to be satisfied by the electronic wagon note
Appx 2a: Sheet 2a of a CUV wagon note with a supplementary sheet for an intermediate section (specimen)
Appx 2b: Sheet 2a of a CUV wagon note for combined traffic with a supplementary sheet for an intermediate section (specimen)
Appx 3: Control label
Appx 4: Explanatory notes on the use of the charges note
Apps 5-13: Deliberately left blank
Appx 14: Wagon label - Form CIT 14
Appx 15-16: Deliberately left blank
Appx 17: Processing of the wagon note and accompanying documents where the details of the movement are amended or there are circumstances preventing haulage or handover
Appx 18: Accompanying document - Form CIT 18
Appx 19-21: Deliberately left blank
Appx 22: Notification of corrections - Form CIT 22
Appx 23: Wagon list - use in the event of wagons being detached
Appx 24: Deliberately left blank
Appx 25: Notification of traffic restrictions

Amendment 13 GLW-CUV
Jan. 1, 2016

Amendment 13 to the GLW-CUV

Document containing the pages of the GLW-CUV replaced by the amendment No 13.

8 pages

June 29, 2020

Older versions can be obtained from the CIT General Secretariat.