CIT speaks at UIC Freight Month

The International Rail Transport Committee (CIT) was very pleased to take part in the Freight Month organised by UIC - International Union of Railways.
The topic that we presented on 4 November 2022 was about safe loading from a legal perspective, to ensure legal certainty for carriers and stakeholders.
The presentation included details of the stipulations for safe loading contained in the Uniform Rules concerning the Contract of International Carriage of Goods by Rail (CIM UR, Appendix B to COTIF), the General Contract of Use for Wagons (GCU) and the Regulation concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID, Appendix C to COTIF). Some explanations of contract law particularities were mentioned and finally four practical cases on loading problems encountered by carriers were cited.
Furthermore, CIT is also involved in other initiatives at UIC level such as the Digital Platform Rail (DP-Rail), the RID/Transport of Dangerous Goods Expert Group, whose most recent in-person meeting on 8 and 9 November in Wiesbaden (Germany) we attended, as well as the Wagon Users Study Group (WUSG), whose meeting on 6 December 2022 took place in Paris at UIC Headquarters.
The CIT would like to thank UIC and its team for the good cooperation!
For more information, see here and on the UIC website.