CIT General Assembly on 17 November 2021

Under the lead of CIT Chair Maria Sack (DB AG), the General Assembly defined the principal avenues of CIT’s work in 2022.
This year, the General Assembly had decisions to make concerning CIT’s elected office-holders. The term of office of Alberto Gallo (Trenitalia) as a member of the Executive Committee was extended by a year. The assembly also greenlighted plans to recruit a successor for the incumbent Secretary-General, Cesare Brand, who is set to retire in summer 2023. In this context, the General Assembly approved two amendments to the CIT Statutes: for the Secretary-General, a term of office of four years has been introduced, renewable without limitation until he/she reaches the age of retirement. In addition, the rules covering the Deputy Secretary-General have been altered: the Secretary-General is henceforth to have a larger say in appointing his or her deputy, who will logically no longer be appointed by the General Assembly.
The General Assembly approved the balance sheet and income statement for 2020, which ends with a welcome surplus of CHF 227,326. The budget approved for 2022 was CHF 2,234,500, the same as last year’s, bearing in mind our intention next year to again refund members for the amounts unspent this year due to the pandemic (CHF 220,000) by reducing membership fees for 2022.
In addition, the General Assembly signed off on the programme of work for 2022.
In the second part of the meeting, the CIT team reported on the past year’s work in each of our key areas of business: passenger, freight, multimodality and infrastructure. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, it was nevertheless possible to successfully carry out the bulk of the work programme adopted by the 2020 General Assembly.